Q 60stars astrology off-season 2 Just a break ! ~ A quick test

60stars astrology

English version

By Tokyo-Tanuki

60stars Astrology Off Season 2

Q Just a break in off-season 2 ~A Quick Test !

1. Let's see, by now, Tanu-chan has explained the progression of the following person's horoscope on this blog.

In (V= °) after the name is the speed at which his/her Sun in the progression moves in a year.

① Napoleon I (V=3.6°)
② A. Hitler (3.0°)
③ J. F. Kennedy (3.0°)
④ N. Khrushchev (3.77)
⑤ W. Churchill (3.68°)

Also on the Children's Blog (in English),
⑥ Queen Marie Antoinette (V=4.28°)

For those of you who read my blog in Japanese (Tanu-maro no nikki ) , you have probably also read about the following people

⑦ Ms. M. Thatcher (V=3.54°)
⑧ Ms. A. Hepburn (4.98°)
⑨ Princess Diana (3.0°)

and only a few more
⑩ Mr. Kakuei Tanaka (V=3.0°) 

So far, I have explained the progression of the horoscopes of 10 people.

Most Japanese prime ministers were around V=5.0, so we can see that world-class politicians are still quite powerful.

Princess Diana is not a politician, but she is a bit special because she was a Messenger of God.

Also, Mr. Napoleon is a bit special. 
The real power was probably around V=2.4(°/year).

2.  Aside from that, after studying so many horoscopes, I think all readers are probably able to read most of them on their own by now.

So, I am going to give you an assignment, please think about how much "V" he had.

He is Charles de Gaulle, the French Hero.

I will write the answer in the August 19 article.

This horoscope is a bit difficult to read. 
In January 1946, at the age of 55, he suddenly resigned as head of the Provisional Government of France.

Considering the Soviet Union's desire to prevent the pro-Americanization of Europe, the radicalization of the French Communist Party, and the intentions of President Truman of the United States, who actually hated Charles de Gaulle, you can see the stars in motion at that time.

Maybe, If he had not resigned at this point, he would have been assassinated.

General de Gaulle probably had some kind of foresight himself, or was accompanied by a rather powerful advisor/seer.

3.  By the way, the credibility of what Tanu-chan wrote is as follows, maybe!

The progression part is about 70%.

The other parts of the horoscope are about 40-60%.

20-50% for the math and geometry parts

10-20%  for the pyramid part, etc. 

Well, the pyramids are too difficult, so it can't be helped.

....Anyway, see you next time!

Tanu-chan💓  TOKYO-TANUKI💛
