⑭Brief comments Birthday10/19 to 4/16 ~60stars astrology 

60stars astrology

By Tokyo-Tanuki

English version

Relaxing Tanu-chan💕 

⑭ A few words about each of the 60 stars and their characteristics  No.2

1. So, this is a continuation of the last issue.

This time, I will write a collection of words about the personality of the 30 signs(segments) ,born between October 19 and April 16,in the latter half of the 60stars astrology.

Before that, let's review a few things. 

2.A few reviews of how to look at compatibility

(A) If your personality and his personality are in harmony by your signs(segments) in 60Stars Astrology (compatibility chart below↓),your compatibility with him is good!

All you need to know is your and his birthday.

The position of the Moon is not irrelevant, but it is basically determined by the Sun(Sign in 60stars Astrology). 

This chart can be used for both men and women.

(1)You are compatible with people marked with red 💓 because you have the same four major elements, i.e., you share the same things that you consider important in life.

(2)Also People with 💘 attract each other so strongly.

In this sense, they are very compatible, but there are subtle differences in their personalities. Therefore, there are times when they have big fights.

(3)With people, although they have slightly different personalities, they don't fight too much, so the compatibility is okay.

(B )Next,  If you know your ascendant, you could know who will like you.

The Ascendant indicates your appearance and vibe.

Your appearance and vibe may not match your true personality. But, especially in the case of relationships between men and women, looks are important. So if you are not a confident girl, the chart below↓ is probably more important to you. 

All you need to know is his birthday and the time of your birth to find out if he likes the way you look.

Maybe for girls this chart is the most practical and easy-to-use chart. 

This chart shows who will like you (who will like your appearance and vibe).

For example, if your Ascendant at birth is Leo♌ and your partner is born on April 19( Aries♈ I in 60Stars Astrology), the above table indicates,

"ASC Leo♌ and Sun ☉Aries♈ I are 💓, so the love compatibility between you two is very good."

Also, for example, if your Ascendant at birth is Capricorn♑ and he was born on September 27 ( Gemini♊ V in 60 Stars Astrology), the above table indicates, 

 "ASC Capricorn♑ and Sun☉ Gemini♊ V are ♣⚡, so your relationship with him is stimulating but not very compatible", which means that your mood and appearance are not suitable for him. Of course, in this case, if your Sun☉ is in Wind signs (♊♎♒) ,

or Sagittarius♐( the opposite of Gemini♊(his☉) ),

your personality compatibility with him will not be bad, but the initial trigger is very important.

*  *  *  *  *

 3. Ok, now, let's get to the explanation of the 30 zodiac signs (divisions ,segments, constellations, whatever  you could call it.) in the second half of the year.

Libra♎ I  10/19-24 The Genuine Libra

A true sense of balance

Unbiased appearance and personality 

Scorpio♏ I    10/25-30 The Genuine Scorpion

Intense power of exploration

Ability to fight against extreme difficulties

Sagittarius♐ Ⅻ   10/31-11/5 Affectionate Sagittarius

A mixture of wildness and reason

Increasingly close friends and enemies

Capricorn♑ Ⅺ 11/6-11 Organization power Capricorn

Ability to organize groups 

Good at choosing and using organizations

Aquarius♒ Ⅹ   11/12-18 Aquarius changing society

Building a truly equal society 

High ideals

Pisces♓ Ⅸ   11/19-24 Pisces sees far


A person of fraternity 

Support and establishment of charitable organizations

Aries♈ Ⅸ  11/25-30 Idealistic Aries

High position and strong body

Spiritual discipline

Taurus♉ Ⅷ  12/1-6 Alchemical Taurus


Finance and accumulation of wealth 

The body and the devil 

Gemini♊ Ⅶ  12/7-12 Gemini of socializing


Flexible and can get along with anyone 

Cool and analytical 

Cancer♋ VI 12/13-18 Hardworking Cancer


Charity and protection

Contribution to society through recuperation 

Good for health care providers

Leo♌ Ⅸ 12/19-24 Famed Leo


Has High ideals 

Fame and glory

Ability in mathematics or foreign languages   

Virgo♍ V  12/25-30 Society-driven Virgo


Cleanliness and joy 

Solid and wonderful life and aesthetics

Make society a better place

Libra♎ IV 12/31-1/5 Libre, Household socialites


Balance between society and relatives

Honorable family background

Scorpio♏ Ⅲ 1/6-11 Explanatory Scorpios


Tenacious powers of persuasion

Ability to explain strange phenomena

Sagittarius♐ II 1/12-17 Practical Sagittarius


Takes both the ideal and the realistic

A natural instinct for working in the wild 

Capricorn♑ I 1/18-23 The true Capricorn


Destined to be guided to high positions

Striving to endure hardships and tribulations

Aquarius♒ I   1/24-29 Authentic Aquarius


Possessing the wisdom to connect people to God

True genius

Pisces♓ Ⅻ 1/30-2/4 Dreamy Pisces


Mission to save the depths of human hearts 

Strong spirituality 

Aries♈ Ⅺ 2/5-10 Boss Aries 


Leader of a large group of people

Takes the initiative and fulfills the mission.             

Taurus♉ Ⅹ 2/11-16 Taurus, realizing the highest quality products


Success through high practical skills 

Expensive goods, clothing and jewelry are also good 

51 Gemini♊ Ⅸ 2/17-22 Very wise Gemini


Telepathic ability

Genuine wise and unprejudiced outlook on life    

52 Cancer♋ Ⅸ 2/23-29 Salvation Cancer


Deep outlook on life that transcends religion

Savior of people

53 Leo♌ Ⅷ 3/1-6 Leo, the man who knows life


The aristocrat who knows the subtleties of human life

Creator of legends

54 Virgo♍ Ⅶ 3/7-12 Virgo of interest adjustment


Outstanding grasp of interests

Negotiations that take profit   

55 Libra♎ Ⅵ 3/13-18 Libra who can sell anything


Profits by absorbing customer dissatisfaction   

Smart and well-intentioned.

56 Scorpio♏ V 3/19-24 Scorpios on stage


Creative activity that explores the driving force of life 

Also suited to popular entertainment      

57 Sagittarius♐ V  3/25-30 The breakneck speed of Sagittarius

Wild energy

Innocence that you can't hate  

58 Capricorn♑ Ⅳ  3/31-4/4 Never stands still Capricorn


Win each battle one by one

Building a family and a nation over a long period of time

59 Aquarius♒ Ⅲ  4/5-10 The perky Aquarius


Witty and conversational

Wise, joyful, clear and cheerful

60 Pisces♓ II   4/11-16 Reality seizing Pisces


Inspiration and the conception of reason and fortune

Formless great wealth

This is the end of the collection of one-liners for the 60 segments(signs) of Tanu-chan’s 60Stars Astrology.

If you don't like it too much, figure it out for yourself!

For example, I wrote that ♓II is " Reality seizing Pisces" because Pisces, with its dreamy nature, is influenced by the 2nd house (Taurus) which represents real fortune.

In other words, 

"Pisces that turns illusions into money", 


"Pisces that acquires illusory jewelry", 

and so on. 

There are a lot of ways to write it. Get the imagery right!

4. Tanu-chan will take a short break from this blog.

Maybe in a couple of weeks or so, I'll do a continuation of compatibility astrology or something as "part 2".

Because for those who love fortune-telling, what everybody is probably most interested in is compatibility with your partner.

5.Here, let me explain how Tanu-chan actually performs compatibility astrology.

First of all

(A) Find out each other's 60stars astrological signs (position of the Sun☉),then you see if your personalities match.

 (B)Examine each other's Ascendant to see which of you will like the other first. 

Love needs a trigger, right?

 (C) If both (A)(B) above↑ are not good, you could look up the Moon's ecliptic longitude(which indicates the subconscious) and look up the Moon's 60stars astrological signs. Then, you could find out if this can be substituted for the Sun.

For example,

A girl with ASC Capricorn♑, Sun in 60 Stars Astrology is Leo♌


A boy with ASC Gemini♊, Sun in ☉Pisces♓.

In this case, the Suns☉ are not very compatible with each other, and they don't particularly adore each other's ASC (it's only so-so).

So, in this case, Tanu-chan examines the position of the Moon. 

Suppose the boy's moon was at 118° of the ecliptic longitude, the moon would be in Cancer in 60star astrology, so we can write the moon as ♋☽ in Cancer. If we put this into the chart, we get ↓.

From the boy's Moon in Cancer♋☽, the girl's ASC Capricorn♑ is in opposition💘 and the impression is not so bad.

So, if you also check the relation of your moon☽ and the boy's ☉,and if they are in the 💘 or 💓 position, this is not so bad either.

Because somehow the feeling between the two of you is a good fit. It might take a bit of time, but... All in all, not a bad match (You need to make an effort to get to know each other).

Well, please use these charts (Tanu-chan showed you in today's blog post) as quick references!

That's all for today!

I'll be back! Tanu-chan💓 TOKYO-TANUKI💛
