㊽ The Meaning of the Celestial Body, Part 3: The Ascendant (ASC)~60stars Astrology (season4)

60stars Astrology Season 4

By Tokyo-Tanuki

English version 

㊽ The Meaning of the Celestial Body, 
Part 3: The Ascendant (ASC)

1. Today, we're going to talk about the meaning of the ASC

The Ascendant is the point one the ecliptic where the ecliptic crosses the eastern horizon at the time of a person's birth.

The ASC represents the Earth, and the physical body, as well as the emotions associated with the physical body.

Tanu-chan explained a lot in Season 2 about how a person's appearance and vibe can be affected by what zodiac sign his/her ASC is in.

For both men & women, it indicates the emotions attached to the physical body, or what we call, a person's apparent personality.

The ASC, like the Sun☉ and the Moon, is also progressive, and everyday life is driven by the stars and their aspects that the ASC encounters as it moves forward.

For every degree the Sun moves, the ASC moves 360 degrees. 

This also has nothing to do with actual astronomical observations of the Earth movement. 

Since it moves so fast, it is sufficient to be aware of it only at specific times on specific days.

So progression of the Ascendant is not usually a concern.

2. The ASC is the Earth itself, and its nature is earthly. 

When the Ascendant is in good aspect, you can keep your good health, and you will also have many opportunities to work, which will be good for your finances.

Satisfaction through the physical senses will also be achieved.

When the ASC receives a lot of bad aspects from powerful stars, your health will often suffer, or you may be too busy to make any money at all, or you may suffer great losses as a result of failures.

When the ASC makes a strong aspect with a particular planet, the nature of that planet will show in one's outward appearance

I have written about this many times, for example, when Mars♂ is with the ASC, the face will be scarred or reddish.

The ASC is very important for women in terms of their appearance and for men in terms of their financial well-being

A man's financial success or failure is judged by looking at the position and aspects of the Ascendant or Saturn ♄.

3. For both men & women, the ASC is most important in terms of the type of disease and the strength of the body.

The ASC signifies all of the human body, but especially the belly (intestines). 

When we have diarrhea due to nervousness, the aspect of the Ascendant is often bad.

When the Ascendant makes bad aspects to powerful stars such as the Sun☉ and Saturn♄ on the birth horoscope, there is a tendency to have difficulty in enduring the urge to have a bowel movement at the most critical moment.

4. In mythology, the Earth is called "Gaia". 

However, mythology is highly abstract, and the actual function of the ASC is rather physical. 

I don't know why but ASC in one's horoscope can sometimes indicate the time when some crustal movement like earthquakes  would happen.


5. Now I will write about what happens when the progressing Sun☉ is in aspect with ASC in Natal chart.

One thing, conjunction☌ and opposition☍ of the ASC  is always very bad

So, if progressing Sun meet the ASC with ☍ or ☌ , it is quite bad. Maybe it indicates big loss or some disease.

① Deng Xiaoping was considered the capitalist leader №2 and disqualified by Mao Zedong and sent down to Jiangxi province  (bad aspect of his ASC).

② W. Churchill lost the general election and the Atlee cabinet was formed (bad aspect of his ASC) .

 A good aspect of one's ASC leads to so-called overwhelming victory but a bad aspect leads to....

That's all for today! 

Next up is "M.C."

Tanu-chan💓 TOKYO-TANUKI💛
