80 60stars astrology ~ about the "Numbers" The meaning of "7" and its around ② The Pentagon ( OFF SEASON 6)

60stars astrology

60stars Astrology Season 4
By Tokyo-Tanuki

English version

80  About the Number "7" and its Around 

② The Pentagon  ~ 60 Stars Astrology ( Off Season 6)

1. Now, last time I mentioned that if we divide the circumference of the heavens into 360 degrees, the number of ways it is divided (the number of divisions of 360°) seems to be 24, but I think it is 22.

And I wrote when the number "7" appears in the motion of the stars.
Simply put, if you consider "the Precession" or the orbital motion of the solar system to the galactic center, the number "7" will appear. 

2. By the way, when I say "7" or "22" or "24"...,

"Oh, it's Kabbalah!"

"A secret society!"

Some people would say, so I will write just a little about that.

Well, it has not so much to do with this astrology blog, and there are "experts" and "teachers" who are unusually knowledgeable in this field, so I think people might ask those experts.

Tanu-chan will write a little about it, but it's just my delusion. 
Since 22/7≒π (pi), 7 and 22 have been used in combination for a long time, so I just think I wrote it for now.

Tanu-chan is not a magician, nor does Tanu-chan have any hidden magic.
Tanu‐chan is just a liberal arts student !

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3. The tree of life seems to have ancient origins and has been found in old Sumerian ruins.

Well, generally speaking, if looking up Kabbalah and the Tree of Life on the Internet, you will find something like Fig. 1⇓, and it is said that there are 10 〇 and 22 passages.

(Fig. 1)

Tanu‐chan thinks that this "Fig. 1" is a little different and that "Fig. 2" ⇓, which is said to have been drawn by an alien, is actually more correct or easier to understand.

Off course it is just Tanu‐chan's feeling!

(Fig. 2)

4. ..so, well, I think that Fig. 2⇑ , if written correctly, would look like Fig. 3⇓, written by another alien in a different place.

(Fig. 3)

5. Now, if you look closely at this fig.3 , you can see ① two star shapes, or, that ② there is a large star shape Ⓐ outside the small regular pentagon , and there is an equally or even larger star shape Ⓑ on the outside of Ⓐ.
Those star shapes are facing the opposite direction.

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This is the end for today, as it seems to be a bit long story.

Tanu-chan💓  TOKYO-TANUKI💛
