85 60stars astrology (season5)  About "Know the future" Progression Part 2: Read Napoleon's Horoscope! ①1769~1801

60stars astrology

By Tokyo-Tanuki

60stars Astrology Season 5

English version



85  About "Know the future" 

Progression Part 2: 

Read Napoleon's Horoscope! ①

1.  Today, I will explain the progression of Napoleon Bonaparte of France (His Sun's speed V = 3.6°/year).

He was a man of the past, so no one would complain.

2. Napoleon's birth chart is as written below (Figure 1). 

Since this is the first time, I will put the Ascendant and MC in this chart.

And in addition to the usual 10 planets, I'll put Sirius as ☆, Arcturus as ★, and the Galactic Center as ✪. 
His natal Sun☉ is in pink(♌28°).
You don't need to put Ceres and Alpha Centauri. I'm not going to go into that much detail.

3. Napoleon was from Corsica.
He was an aristocrat, but poor.

In Corsica, his family fought with Paoli, a powerful leader in the island, and was driven out.

However, at the age of 23 (1792), with the backing of the powerful Jacobins in France, he fought again with Paoli, a Corsican counter-revolutionary. 

Early the next year, the National Council ordered Paoli's arrest. 
In the same year, Napoleon was promoted to the rank of major for his success in the battle of Toulon.

At this time, Napoleon's Sun☉(in progressing, written in blue ☉) was,
V (3.6 degrees) x 23 years + 22 (22 degrees of Leo, the natal Sun) = 104.8 degrees, or 14.8 degrees of Scorpio, where his progressing Sun☉ met his natal Jupiter♃, the planet of authority and legality.
(In Figures of horoscopes, I will write Natal sun☉ in pink, Progressing sun☉ in blue, and they are written in a bit larger font). 

4. Then, as you know, the Thermidorian Reaction occurred (July 1794), and Napoleon was imprisoned as a member of Robespierre's gang when he was just 25 years old.

At this time, his progressing Sun was,
V (3,6 degrees) x 25 years old exactly + 22 degrees (degrees of his Natal Sun in Leo)
= 112 degrees, or 22 degrees Scorpio, forming exactly 90 degrees with his Natal Sun ☉.

The Sun's meaning is power, so, well, it had to be like this.

There are quite a few people who got caught at bad aspects of their Natal Sun☉, like W. Churchill(U.K.), Kakuei Tanaka(Japan), and so on.

5.Now, Napoleon was disgraced, but the control of the presidential government was weak.

In 1795, a royalist rebellion broke out (the Vendémiaire Rebellion).
In this rebellion, Barras, a high-ranking government official, had Napoleon attack the royalists, and Napoleon won a stunning victory.
Then, Napoleon suddenly bursting onto the stage of French history as General Vendemière.

Napoleon's sun in progression at this time was,
V (3.6 degrees) x 26 years + 22 degrees = 115.6 degrees
That is, it was 25.6 degrees of Scorpio♏ and made a trine△ to his Natal Saturn♄ in Cancer. 

Yes, this is the fearsome power of Saturn.

5.  Then, in 1796, at the age of 27 (28 degrees Scorpio), Napoleon got a wife (wives are symbolized by the Moon).
Her name was Josephine, and he quickly became a popular man who won many successive battles.
He then returned triumphantly to Paris in a frenzy and became the right-hand man of Barras, who became the president of the presidential government. 
Here is his horoscope at this time.
His progressing Sun was at 60 degrees of his natal Moon☽ in Capricorn.
(Fig. 5).

6.  Then, Napoleon's progressing Sun☉ entered the age of Sagittarius, and in 1798, he made an expedition to Egypt and brought back the Rosetta Stone

Napoleon's Sun at this time was,
V (3.6 degrees) x 29 years + 22 degrees = 126.4 degrees.

This means that the Sun in progression was near 6.4 degrees of Sagittarius, which was trine△ to his natal MC and Mercury.

MC is the character of Wind, so it indicates expedition, and Mercury indicates language.
(Fig. 6)

7.  Napoleon became such a powerful man, but his direct rise to authority was the coup d'état of Brumaire in the winter of 1799. 
This made Napoleon First Consul.

The coup d'état had little chance of success, and Napoleon was certain to be executed if it failed.
However, Napoleon was suspected of fleeing before the enemy and had no choice but to move forward, by cooperating with Chayes.

At this time, Napoleon might be probably very frightened.

Napoleon's sun at this time was,
V (3.6 degrees) x 30.4 years + 22 degrees = 131.5 degrees.

In short, his Sun☉ in progression was at near 11-12 degrees of Sagittarius, but it was at 150 degrees of his natal Uranus, the star of revolution, and 90 degrees of his natal Mars, the star of battle.
It is clear that Napoleon had poor odds.

Since the overall situation in Sagittarius (of his natal chart) was good (trine△ of the Sun and the MC to Sagittarius, and no notable bad aspects of intense stars like Saturn, the Moon, the ASC, etc.), he managed to succeed.

Now, I'll leave the latter half of Napoleon's life for next time.

That's all for today.

