86 60stars astrology (season5)  About "Know the future" Progression Part 2: Read Napoleon's Horoscope! ②1802~12

60stars astrology

By Tokyo-Tanuki

60stars Astrology Season 5

English version

85  About "Know the future" 

Progression Part 2: 

Read Napoleon's Horoscope! ②

1 . Let us now follow Napoleon's life a little further.

After becoming First Consul, Napoleon proceeded to concentrate power in his own hands, and in August 1802 he amended the Constitution to make himself Consul for life
This was the same position as Caesar.

Napoleon's sun at this time was,
V (3.6 degrees) x 33 years + 22 degrees = 140.8 degrees
In short, it was approximately 21 degrees of Sagittarius. 
This is shown in Figure 1 below. 

It was a trine△ of his Sun(Progression) and his Sun(Natal).
The Sun means kingship.

2. Later, Napoleon, not satisfied with being the leading figure of the state, executed Prince Anguignan, a French royal, and became Emperor (May 1804).

His Sun in progression at this time was, 
V (3.6 degrees) x 34.8 years + 22 degrees ≒ 147 degrees.
This is at 60 degrees of Arcturus★.
You can see what Edgar Casey meant when he referred to Arcturus as a "larger sun".

However, as you can see from Figure 2, at the same time his natal Saturn was at 150 degrees and his natal Moon at 30 degrees, both bad aspects. 

In other words, we can see that although he rose to the emperor ostensibly, hidden hostility was brewing here and there. 

This would mean that the masses (the Moon☽) as well as the traditional aristocrats, whose royalty had been killed, began to question the meaning of the "Revolution".

3.  Times had changed, and Napoleon's progressing Sun☉ began its progression into his Capricorn♑.

Still, Napoleon's march continued, finally won the Battle of Austerlitz (the Battle of the Three Emperors) (December 1805).

Napoleon's sun at this time was,
V (3.6 degrees) x 36.3 years + 22 degrees ≒ 152.7 degrees
In short, it is at 2.7 degrees of Capricorn and 60 degrees (sextile) of his natal ASC♏. 

This was the peak of Napoleon's success.

4.  In the winter of the following year (1806), Napoleon issued the Continental Blockade, restricting trade among European countries.

At this time, Napoleon's progressing Sun was at near 6 degrees of Capricorn and at 150 degrees to his natal MC and Mercury. 
This indicates a breakdown of diplomacy and restriction of trade.
(Fig. 4)

From this point on, it began to cause frustration among the nations and peoples who lacked supplies.

5.  But Napoleon was not satisfied, and in the following year (1807), he fought against Russia (the Battle of Friedland, Opposition of Sirius☆) and made peace with Russia, but the people were exhausted.

At this time, Prussia was reduced to less than half its land.
Thus, Napoleon made Fichte issue his "Message to the German Nation" (1807), sparking a backlash of European nationalism.

Here I would like to say a few words.

Sirius☆(♋8~11.5 Sirius-Canopus belt) sometimes comes up a lot when Russia and some other country go to war, so keep that in mind (Exp, Hitler's "Operation Barbarossa", and all sorts of the "special operation"...) .

6.  In the summer of 1812, Napoleon launched another invasion of Russia with a large army. 
This turned out to be a disaster.

Napoleon's progressing Sun at this time was, 
V (3.6 degrees) x 43 years + 22 degrees = 176.8 degrees.
That was, it located around at 26 degrees of Capricorn.

Let's look at this in the figure (Fig. 5). 
This is the Opposition of Saturn♄ in his natal chart and 90 degrees of Arcturus★.
This means that there is no way to win.

Only a few percent of the French soldiers survived.
This is the "Destructive Power" of Saturn.

7.  But the country did not collapse immediately, because of the strong Napoleonic fan base (conjunction☌ of his Natal Moon☽, Fig.5)

"Napoleon was in danger!"

Well, it's been longer than I thought, so I'll continue with Napoleon next time!

Tanu-chan💓  TOKYO-TANUKI💛
