120 Let's Learn How to Predict the Future: 60stars Astrology Season 6-3  Western Europe section K. von. Metternich ②

60stars astrology

English version

By Tokyo-Tanuki

60stars Astrology Season 6

120   Let's Learn How to Predict the Future: 

60stars Astrology Season 6-3

Western Europe section    

K. von. Metternich ②

1.  Now Mr. Metternich, V=3.75.

It is hard to understand the ups and downs for nobles and royalty, because there is no such thing as unemployment, and also because they are not often arrested.

But this person is easier to understand than you might think, so I will introduce him to you.

Mr. Metternich's first job as Austrian Foreign Minister was to arrange the marriage of Napoleon and Marie Louise!

But I won't go into the details of his sometimes taking Napoleon's side and sometimes not, as it would take too long.

This was the period of Mr. Metternich's Libra sign. The word “Libra” was exactly the right word for his diplomacy.

2.Let me start with "The Congress of Vienna".

At this time, Mr. Metternich was 42 years old and his sun was in Scorpio ♏. 
It was difficult to come to an agreement, but thanks to Napoleon's 100 Days of Heaven, everyone compromised ("the Second Treaty of Paris"), and Metternich became the face of the world. 
At that time, His progressing Sun was in Sextile with Saturn.


3. Later, in the difficult balancing of interests with Russia and England, he became the well-known European mediator, and in his homeland, Austria, he rose to the position of Chancellor in 1821 (Opposition of his natal Sun)

(Fig. 2)

Opposition of one's natal Sun☉ or Moon☽ is a time of growth and promotion in spite of difficulties, as long as the environment of that constellation is not too bad.

4. He fell ill in 1823 and did not do well politically ( Square of Saturn ♄), but Mr. Metternich's popularity covered Europe, so he did not go as far as to lose his office. 
Well, he was an aristocrat. 
.....It was a Good time.

5. In 1827, at the age of 54, Mr. Metternich married a beautiful 20-year-old woman (his progressing Sun was in sextile to his ascendant).

This was great fun, but he lost his mother in November of the following year, 1928, and lost his new wife in January of the following year, and became totally depressed. 
He also lost his son in November of the same year and he was heartbroken. 

It was a sadness of losing one's relatives.
His progressing Sun was exactly in square🔳 to his natal Moon.

(Fig. 3)

The moon means wife, mother, and children, and the fact that it is so clearly visible shows that Mr. Metternich was a family man!

Well, he was the star of Europe. 
Europe is represented by the Moon in Mundane.

It's a long story, so next time!

Tanu-chan💓 TOKYO-TANUKI💛
